We often hear about different hazards but no one talks about occupational hazards and their effects on female workers.
Today, I will talk about various occupational Hazards and what can be done regarding their prevention.So let’s start.
Firstly, an Occupational Hazard is a hazard, experienced in the workplace. Different types of occupational hazards include chemical hazards, biological hazards, psycho social hazards, and physical hazards.
Secondly, the exposure of high concentration of waste anesthetic gases even for a shorter time can cause Headache,Irritability,Fatigue,Nausea,difficulties in coordination,liver and kidney disease.
Thirdly,are places where female workers are mostly exposed.Such as operating facilities with no automatic ventilation or scavenging systems.
Fourthly, operating facilities where these systems are in poor condition.
Fifthly, are the recovery rooms where gases exhaled by recovering patients are not properly vented.
Sixth, during dental operations and induction of anesthesia.
Seventh, is the reproductive hazards and the effect they have on female workers result in affecting menstrual cycle,infertility,miscarriage or still birth,low birth weight,development disorders and childhood cancers.
Eighth, these harmful substances enter the female body through breathing,contact with the skin and swallowing.
These hazardous substances enter the female body, circulate in the blood and running through the placenta reaches the fetus causing risk in delivery of the baby.
And Lastly, these workplace substances that affect the female workers are not only limited to them but their whole family is exposed to the hazards simultaneously.
However, Occupational Hazards can be prevented through taking certain precautionary measures at the workplaces.
Firstly, sealing or storing chemicals in sealed containers when they are not in use.
Secondly, is the regular washing of hands after dealing with the hazardous chemicals and before eating or drinking.
Thirdly, is to avoid skin contact with the chemicals.
Fourthly, is to learn properly about the proper work , practice and engineering controls.
Fifthly, is the washing of work clothes separately.
Sixth, to establish a hazard communication systemÂ
Seventh,to install a working ventilation system.
Eighth, is to train all female workers in hazard awareness.
And Lastly, is to keep a good record of all collected air sample results for at least 30 years.
Keeping the aforementioned in mind, the occupational hazard can be prevented to a great extent.All that is needed is a thoughtful heart and commitment and the desire to make a change for the generations to come.Think about it.