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Hello Folks!
We all know this is the digital age from our day to day experiences.
Today, I aim to discuss the link between Digital Communication and Human Interactions.So lets start.
Firstly,Digital Communications has made our lives easier to a great extent.
It is a means of fostering human interactions in a variety of areas.
Secondly, we meet a lot of people via Digital Communication and get to know them.
These interactions may be personal ,impersonal or even business related.All having their own outcomes.
Thirdly,through digital communications people are able to form Online Communities.
Each communities having their own code of conduct and interest levels.
Such communities provide everyone an opportunity to link with like minded people and be comfortable while communicating with them.
Fourthly, people can develop their interests and skills by joining certain groups and interacting with people of similar likes and dislikes.
Such relationships are fostered both digitally and via human interactions in the form of learning and sharing.
Another link between Digital Communication and human interaction is the way it helps us in exploring the world through the comfort of our homes.
Sixth,via digital communication has provided an opportunity to make lasting friendships irrespective of cultures,race and creed.
Seventh,the element of Human interaction should not be undermined.We are first humans and then comes technology.
And Lastly,Technology should only be used as a means to facilitate Human Interaction.
It should not make Human Interaction dependent on Digital Communication.
It can thus be concluded that Digital Communication should be used only to facilitate Human Interactions rather than replacing them.
Make time for the ones you love and like to be with.Make online communities but also take out time to go and meet them.
See them in person.That is the real learning and exploring.
In Pakistan, Digital communication is used more for flirting or taking advantage of the other person as much as one can.
This concept needs to change here.
People need to have an open eye for the pros and cons while communicating.
We should only communicate with the ones we feel comfortable with and have a established code of ethics.
Think about it.Until next time,stay safe and happy.
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[…] One way to find this balance is to set boundaries around technology use. For example, you could agree to put your phones away during dinner or turn off notifications during family time and prioritize face-to-face interactions. This will allow you to be more present at the moment and form deeper connections with others. […]