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People are often bound by impressions they have been viewing since an early stage of life. Such impressions often make me wonder why cannot people, Think out of the Box (https://www.wordhippo.com/what-is/another-word-for/thinking_outside_the_box.html )before making such impressions.

Today, I will walk you through one such impression that prevails in most Pakistani (South Asian) families.



This impression is formed by men mostly who think if a woman is a stay-at-home mom/wife, she does not have anything to do except enjoying leisure all day long. Well, it is high time to think out of the box.

Let’s start with a normal day for any woman/housewife. Her daily routine starts with the morning prayers. The timings may vary according to the time zone of the area/ country where one is residing.



Anyways, after the morning prayers, she starts preparing lunchboxes and breakfast for everyone in the house. Now, these lunch boxes and breakfast are not simple ones but may vary according to ones liking and tastes.https://www.nigella.com/cookbook-corner

This may take 1 hour in preparation depending on the number of persons living in that particular household.



Then comes the time of waking up everyone in order of the time they have to leave for their work/school. She wakes up the adults who can at least wash their faces on their own.

But as for the children, she has to make sure to get them out of the bed, adjust the water temperature according to the weather, and assist them in every possible way.

No matter what are the ages of children, they always need to be pampered.

Next to this stage comes the changing stage where again on the one side she is assisting the children in getting ready and at the same time assisting the so organized adults in finding their lost things.

Well, finally comes the breakfast stage where everyone begins to eat their breakfast with little or no complain which is very rare in most circumstances.

After the breakfast stage is the leave for school and work stage which is no less than a hassle. Everything takes place in the twinkling of an eye.

The dropping to school too mostly is the responsibility of the woman/wife.


When the drop-off stage is over, the woman goes to a nearby park for a daily morning walk or exercise or as the circumstances be for her. This might take half an hour or so.

After coming back, she quickly takes her breakfast and gets to her daily chores. Hey, are we on the same page? I am sure we are.



These chores, I am sure everyone in Pakistani society is well aware of. Well, I am talking about the regular cleaning of the house which requires washing dishes, sweeping, dusting, and mopping and re-arrangements of things as well.

This work can take about 1 to 2 hours of her time depending on the size of the home or how much dirty it might be. A little help from someone can be a blessing if there is one or else, it is her home and, she has to clean it. An out-of-the-box scenario.

Well, if there is some elderly person in the home, she has to attend him/her as well and take care of their needs and medicines, etc.

And she does all this, out of her love for that soul not for people’s reward but the greater reward that she might receive from the Creator. Though some words of gratitude may not kill her.



When the home chores are done, she reverts to her kitchen where she has to start with food preparations according to the liking of everyone at home.



Now, let me enlighten you with the fact that in the kitchen, most women do not have extra hands instead she is multi-tasking to put the meals on the table.

It may involve lengthy processes from cutting onions to peeling off skins of garlic and vegetables etc. No easy way out.Ah!


I am with all of you in this and I am here to bear with you, care and share with you and be your voice in expressing your inner thoughts.

Now, these meals might not always be simpler, to get them right and according to taste, the woman might consult elderly women in families who are believed to be good cooks of their time.

They might be able to guide provided they have a good memory or have a recipe noted down somewhere or else you are on your own.

And if you are creative and have a taste for food you might come up with something better.

Your family will love it for they will think it’s the same recipe…and you will never tell.

Hello! Here comes the off time for kids. You have got to go. No time to stand and stare or even drink a glass of water.

So here you are running on the roads from one school to another to pick up the children from their respective schools.

This picking up may take 1 to 1 and a half hours depending on your location of the home to and from school.

After coming back from school, the woman engages herself in getting them changed and get them on the table for food. During this time, the woman engages and asks them about their day, what made them happy, sad and whatever they want to talk about.

Her day does not come to an end, she has to make sure the children have their due rest or if they want to play, she takes them to the park so that they can enjoy.




After coming back, the children might need some snacks to fill their hungry tummies and the woman has to be very selective in providing them something nutritious yet energy boosting.https://www.sabahataamir.com/a-finger-licking-brownie/

When the eating is over, she has to get on with their homework or any of the school activities or as the case might be. Well, she does it all. Except in areas that are beyond her grasp.

Now, up till this time, it is already 7:00 p.m. She has to start preparing for the food to be served for dinner. It can either be a whole new food or the same food used for lunch.

The family man mostly arrives from his office late to have dinner with the family. It is a lucky day for the family if he comes on time.

The dinner is served. It is either praised or praised with some improvements or eaten without comments.

Now, the wife thinks that her day has come to an end and she can do something of her liking but it is like versa.

She has to iron the clothes for the next day, pack the bags, get the children ready for sleep, read them something, or watch something with them before they are lulled to sleep.



This might take another hour or so. When all this is done, she opens her laptop/book, etc., with the idea of writing down something which gives her inspiration for the next day yet to come.

At this point, she expects some gratitude from anyone in the house.

But here too, she does not get any gratitude yet receives this comment; All day you are on the laptop and do nothing…

then please all men are you, Husbands, Brothers, Fathers, Friends, etc., please stop for a second and Think out of the box.

We are human beings not any cog in the machines.

In the end, I would like to reiterate my point of view that stop taking us for granted and formulating impressions about us.

For once, think out of the box. If we are stay-at-home moms or wives or women; we have deliberately or non deliberately choose this for ourselves.

We want to give a conducive environment to our family and the people around us. We do not earn in monetary terms but we are earning through our deeds and raising productive nations trying to make them thankful and have gratitude towards the ones who make their lives heaven.


We are working tirelessly, and effortlessly without being compensated. Please bear with us and hear us out, address our grievances and we can find a solution together.

At the end of the day, it is the sacrifices of such women that are going to be counted and be thanked for. So bear with us the equal responsibility and share your gratitude towards all stay-at-home moms/wives/women.


Until next time, stay safe and Healthy.

Happy Reading.

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  1. OMy GOD …… This is all true. I was smiling while reading it, all this really really happens every day , YESSS I’m vites , I can’t find anything at the time when I’m late to office and I always evoke for help to find the keys glasses and stuff.
    I was smiling because I discussed the same thing before and now I got a whole article infront of me.
    All this is so true , ur good at drawing pictures either it’s visual art or its about social perception and norms of typical Pakistani society , I must say vulnerable thoughts of our society.
    You know what, I personally never thought about a woman have to do all this stuff a day . 🙁
    Some one said well “How the world looks to you depends on the angle you are seeing it”

    This is really very difficult fade to change the angle and see things differently. You really have your contribution to make people think about to change their angle to see things so that they can get different outcomes .
    I have an example of my self in a different sector of thoughts i-e I did changed my angle to change my personality from a radical Muslim to a liberal .
    Ur efforts come true someday , it’s difficult but not impossible.
    آئین نو سے ڈرنا طرز کہن پہ اڑنا
    منزل یہی کٹھن ہے قوموں کی زندگی میں

    Thank you Mem sabahat for the big mirror u showed 🙂

    1. Thank you for your valuable feedback to my blog.We are all in the phase of contributing in small ways to make the world a better place.I am humbles by your thoughts.

    1. Thank you, Saman for writing about your feelings. It’s never too late to start what you want to pursue. The first step is difficult but the rest becomes easier with time. Don’t ever feel that you are alone. Many resonate with you in thoughts and feelings. I am here for you. You can text me any time you want.


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